The dangers and responsibilities when working with electrical equipment

The equipment supplied through if installed incorrectly has the potential to cause personal injury, and/or damage the equipment.  Please read the guidelines below about your responsibilities when purchasing power equipment through


While does provide after-sales support, it is limited.  We offer the best retail pricing of solar power equipment, with the expectation the customer won't be needing exhaustive after-sales support.  Beyond basic product enquiries and service, if you are looking for significant after-sales support such as training, installation 'hand-holding' or full equipment installation isn't the company for you. 

YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES: The expectation of the purchaser is that you have a solid understanding of the equipment, the installation process and the ongoing operation of the product being purchased. provides all manufacturer documentation including brochures, installation and operation manuals, system schematics and more.  Before contacting us for support, please ensure you have exhausted all solutions through the documentation provided first.

DANGER AC VOLTAGE! The 230 volt AC power delivered by equipment if mishandled or incorrectly installed has the potential to deliver a lethal electric shock! All 230-volt AC work must be carried out a licensed electrician.

COMPETENT PERSON!  If you are intending to install Extra Low Voltage (ELV < 120 volts DC or 50 Volts AC) equipment you must have sufficient electrical skills, experience, and competency to complete the installation safely and without error.  Supervision by a licenced electrician is highly recommended.

WARNING:  Take precautions; be aware that even Extra Low Voltage (ELV) portions of the installation if mishandled can deliver nasty burns or deliver a very uncomfortable electric shock. 

CAUTION: Do not energise any circuits until the battery bank is fully connected. Energising the system prematurely with the battery bank disconnected or in the wrong sequence may cause equipment damage that will not be covered by warranty!  Always follow the manufacturer's startup procedures to prevent equipment damage!